
Tumbles of my life

The little ups and downs of my journey through life


December 2016

Love – A Thunderstorm

Some say it is a spell, magical in sense, found in rarity, and to keep even rarer. To believe I did not, to exist n me I did not dream of, and against all the odds, you were in my... Continue Reading →

Items that can be checked off the Bucket list (which keeps evolving; sort of) – 2016

Drivers license – (hallelujah!) Finding the courage to stand up for yourself ( at least a little bit) Huge improvements on self love. (So much happiness is found when you love yourself and pamper yourself. Major feel good vibes )... Continue Reading →

Morning scenes – My reflections

When you thought you were incapable of enjoying a moment, of experiencing a fleeting feeling to the fullest, bare and raw, through your nerves must flow. There you sit, staring into the six a.m. blue sky, doves flitting across the... Continue Reading →

2016: The ambiguous year

As the stress and dashed dreams of the last year was finally making space for a bright new future of possibilities, the reality was far from the landscapes woven together by the fabrics of the mind. When it struck, blinding... Continue Reading →

Reality: – Shattering our color stained panes of future dreams

You are not meant for, I realize that now, Slowly as it hit me, as a clash like our perceptions and views, I wonder how life will treat us, in the journey, the long, As we disagree on everyday life,... Continue Reading →

Certain things I still remember from my childhood…

I know that there are a billion people in this world who drives and it’s just a part of like that goes unnoticed, normal-like walking or breathing. It comes naturally to most of us and even to the non-driving souls,... Continue Reading →

To me you are more than everything….

Sometimes it’s okay to feel lonely, it’s okay to feel alone, it’s alright to cry out the tears, regret and sorrows. With time, all the tears are sown back, and I will always hold your pieces to be knit together for... Continue Reading →

Soul sister.

Five years ago, would you have imagined that we could go through all of it, and still survive? To imagine situations through which we were put through, and emerge out of them, not completely unscathed, but still alive. We were... Continue Reading →

Our first night.

All the way from home stranded in a hotel with strangers, Wondering whether I shall leave the country or not, tired, exhausted from all the carrying of bags and luggage, my only hope. Him. He, 3 and a half hours... Continue Reading →

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